The Warning Signs And Discomforts Of Prescription Medication Addiction

Prescription medications are abused often due to easy accessibility. Individuals that become addicted to these drugs are just as likely to participate in dangerous activities as other addicts. For example, prescription medications such as oxycodone have lead to burglary and prostitution to acquire the drug.

Prescription medications are abused often due to easy accessibility. Individuals that become addicted to these drugs are just as likely to participate in dangerous activities as other addicts. For example, heroin detox prescription medications such as oxycodone have lead to burglary and prostitution to acquire the drug. The following are warning signs of prescription drug addiction and how at-home addiction recovery may help.

What Prescription Medications are Abused Most Often?

The prescription medications that are abused most often begin with opiates or painkillers. Next, depressants such as Xanax and Klonopin are abused due to the sedative effects of the drugs. Stimulants such as Ritalin are abused to generate a euphoric state.

What are Signs of Opioid Abuse?

The symptoms and signs of opioid abuse include nausea, euphoria, decreased breathing, confusion, and drowsiness. The individual develops poor coordination and may develop a high tolerance and need more of the drugs to control pain. They also experience severe constipation that leads to obstructions of the intestines. The condition leads to the development of gastrointestinal disorders. Individuals with these signs need addiction recovery counseling online now.

What are Signs of Sedative Abuse?

Sedatives lead to confusion, drowsiness, and unsteady walking. They exhibit slurred speech, inadequate concentration, and decreased breathing. They also become dizzy and pass out.

What are the Signs of Stimulant Abuse?

The signs of stimulant abuse include decreased appetite and agitation. Their body temperature increases. They may experience insomnia and high blood pressure. They develop an irregular heartbeat and anxiety. They become paranoid as well. Anyone who exhibits these signs needs to start a home addiction recovery program

Additional Warning Signs of These Addictions

An individual who is addicted to prescription medications is more likely to steal medications from others. They steal prescriptions to acquire more of the drug. The addict takes higher volumes of the drugs than directed. They exhibit sudden mood swings and become angered easily. They develop insomnia and make poor choices. They are either hyper-alert or sedated depending on the drug of their choice. They may also prescription shop among different doctors.

Prescription medication abuse is often overlooked by family members. They assume that the individual needs an excessive volume of the drug to treat a medical condition. Unfortunately, the effects of these addictions have further detrimental effects, as they may continue for years without detection. Individuals who need help with these issues need to start a private addiction recovery program today.

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